Virtual Private Server | DATATAN.NET - Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting Services

Virtual Private Server

Virtual Private Server, or VPS, is a virtual server service that can function similarly to an actual server. It is the division of a high-performance server's resources into different pieces as an independent server with a virtual private server that runs on a virtual machine. It is appropriate for individuals who wish to utilize a private server that is stable in operation but do not have the time or expertise to set up a server on their own. Hardware and main systems will be taken care of by us. To access the virtual server, you will be given the highest root power.


CPU Core4444444
Memory (GB)3468101214
SSD Storage (GB)60100200300400500600
Dedicated IP Address1111111
Data TransferUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Operating SystemCentOS (Default) / Debian / Ubuntu / AlmaLinux
Server ManagementReboot, Shutdown, SSH, Open Port, Root System
Web Control PanelFree DirectAdmin Control Panel (Option available)
System Security Configuration
Weekly Backup


Extras and privileges
When using a Virtual Private Server service
- Free service! Install the Linux operating system (CentOS) and other softwares. (Please ask more)
- Free service! DirectAdmin Web Control Panel for Linux.
- Free service! Security settings and basic settings are ready to use right away.
- Free service! Consultancy service throughout the service life.
- Additional 1 CPU Core is charged at 50 Baht / month.
- Additional 1GB Memory (RAM) is charged at 100 Baht / month.
- Additional 100GB SSD Storage is charged at 400 baht / month.
- Additional IP Address service charge 150 Baht / month / number.
- Additional other services. (Please ask more)

